Body: Carbon Steel
Trim: Stainless Steel
Seat: Soft seated: PTFE
Working Temperature:
–25 ºC + 120 ºC
Max working Pressure:
Female Threaded
3 piece carbon steel ball valves are designed to feature two end caps and a body. They are made to ensure they offer the best efficiency when it comes to controlling flow. They are made of quality material that ensures they are durable. Our 3 piece ball valves feature a full bore which means they offer a straight flow path. You can trust that our carbon steel ball valves will be the perfect option to meet your needs.
SIO is one of the leading carbon steel ball valve manufacturers working to always ensure that we offer incredible quality ball valves. We work with quality materials in the manufacture of our ball valves to ensure that all our productions are durable. This allows us to cater to different industries always ensuring that we offer the perfect solutions for your specific needs. If you are looking for ball valves that you can rely on, we are here to help you solve your needs.
Ball valves come in different shapes depending on the specific pipes you’ll be working with. We offer customization options to ensure that your ball valves are perfect and meet your exact needs. You can trust that we’ll work closely with you to achieve your desired shapes.
Ball valves are developed using different materials which means you can easily customize these options to meet your needs. The materials you choose to work with determine the durability of your ball valves. You can customize the materials as needed.
The dimensions of your ball valves can be customized and designed to ensure that they are perfect and compatible with your pipes. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that we offer dimensions that suit your requirements.
Connection ways can be customized to offer different options when it comes to connecting your ball valves to the pipes. We will advise on the best options and work to deliver options that will suit you.
Actuator ways come in different types including pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical among others. With this, you can customize your ball valves to ensure that they feature the best actuator you are willing to work with.
Ball movement ways refer to the systems set up to control the direction of your flow. This can be customized to ensure that your liquids or gas flow in your desired direction.
In the manufacture of ball valves, we pay close attention to the industry standards to ensure that we meet your specific expectations. We’ll work with you to customize your ball valve options to ensure they are in tune with the standards in your industry.
Finding a quality manufacturer who can deliver on your orders at a great and friendly price is an important aspect to consider. We work to ensure that we offer quality options at discounted prices to cater to your needs.
As an importer, timely deliveries and the quality of the products you invest in can be a challenge. However, working with SIO relieves that worry and allows you to enjoy our fast turnaround times with quality assurance on all our products.
Working on different engineering projects requires the use of ball valves to ensure that all your processes are in tune. We are here to offer the best ball valves in the market and ensure that they work well for you.
In the manufacture of equipment and machines, the use of ball valves is essential to facilitate accurate performance. SIO will offer great quality ball valves that will contribute to the function of your machines.
We work closely with all our customers to ensure that we offer the best options at all times. This allows us to cater to your ball valve orders and deliver the best quality in the market.
At SIO, our carbon steel ball valves are designed to feature the use of quality materials that are designed to guarantee the durability of our products. You can trust that our ball valves will last you well at all times.
We offer free samples on bulk orders and custom orders to give you a better feel of our products and how they can work for you. Working with us will allow you to invest in quality products suited to your needs.
We offer different custom options on our steel ball valves to allow you to tweak and make changes where necessary. This is the best way to enhance your experience and ensure that you are working with quality ball valves.
We work with qualified professionals who work to ensure that all our manufacturing processes are done right. This allows us to meet our fast turnaround promises and ensure that you get your ball valves on time.
You have different payment methods when working with us to ensure that you get the best quality ball valves for your business. You can trust that we’ll work to ensure that yor experience with our payment systems is of great quality.
We pride ourselves on offering support to our customers to ensure that you get to fully experience the efficiency of our products. If you have any concerns, we are here to ensure that we address them.
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